Hi there, I’m Diego Fernández 👋
- 🔭 I’m currently working on data science project
- 🌱 I’m currently learning MLops and Machine learning
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on non profit projects
Public portfolio
- Multimodal real state search - Multimodal search based on text and image retrieval.
- Dynamic risk price assesment - Demonstrates training and deploying a sklearn model within a Flask endpoint.
- Music genre classification - Implements a reusable workflow with MLflow, W&B logging, and Hydra for running multiple configurations.
- AirBnB rental price prediction - Features a reusable workflow for predictive modeling using MLflow, W&B, and Hydra.
- Census classification - An MLOps project utilizing DVC, S3, GitHub Actions, FastAPI, and deployment on Heroku.
- Churn prediction - Provides a basic structure for a customer churn prediction project.