gcloud CLI

Command Description
gcloud auth login Authorizes the gcloud CLI to access your Google Cloud account using your credentials.
gcloud auth application-default login Authenticates the CLI for application default credentials.
gcloud auth list Lists the accounts available for gcloud to use.
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<KEY_FILE> Activates a service account using a key file.
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID> Sets the active project for your gcloud commands.
gcloud config list Lists the current active project and configurations.
gcloud config configurations activate <CONFIG_NAME> Activates a specific named configuration.
gcloud config set account <ACCOUNT_EMAIL> Sets the active account for gcloud commands.
gcloud projects list Lists all available projects under your account.
gcloud projects create <PROJECT_ID> Creates a new project.
gcloud projects delete <PROJECT_ID> Deletes an existing project.
gcloud services list --enabled Lists all APIs and services currently enabled in the active project.
gcloud services enable <SERVICE_NAME> Enables a specific API or service for the active project.
gcloud services disable <SERVICE_NAME> Disables a specific API or service for the active project.
gcloud artifacts repositories list Lists the repositories in Artifact Registry.
gcloud artifacts repositories create <REPO_NAME> Creates a new repository in Artifact Registry.
gcloud artifacts repositories delete <REPO_NAME> Deletes a repository from Artifact Registry.
gcloud config set artifacts/location <LOCATION> Sets the location of the Artifact Registry repository.

Last update: 2024-10-23
Created: 2024-10-23