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Evaluating LLMSâš‘



ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) is primarily used for text summarization. It compares a summary to one or more human-generated reference summaries.


BLEU (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy) is primarily used for machine translation. It compares a translation to human-generation translations. The score is computed using the average precision over multiple n-gram sizes. It is similar to the ROUGE score but is calculated over a range of n-gram sizes and then averaged.


Benchmarks matter because they are the standards that help us measure and accelerate progress in AI. They offer a common ground for comparing different AI models and encouraging innovation, providing important stepping stones on the path to more advanced AI technologies.


The GLUE benchmarks serve as an essential tool to assess an AI's grasp of human language, covering diverse tasks, from grammar checking to complex sentence relationship analysis. By putting AI models through these varied linguistic challenges, we can gauge their readiness for real-world tasks and uncover any potential weaknesses.

  • Short Name: CoLA

    • Full Name: Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability
    • Description: Measures the ability to determine if an English sentence is linguistically acceptable.
  • Short Name: SST-2

    • Full Name: Stanford Sentiment Treebank
    • Description: Consists of sentences from movie reviews and human annotations about their sentiment.
  • Short Name: MRPC

    • Full Name: Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus
    • Description: Focuses on identifying whether two sentences are paraphrases of each other.
  • Short Name: STS-B

    • Full Name: Semantic Textual Similarity Benchmark
    • Description: Involves determining how similar two sentences are in terms of semantic content.
  • Short Name: QQP

    • Full Name: Quora Question Pairs
    • Description: Aims to identify whether two questions asked on Quora are semantically equivalent.
  • Short Name: MNLI

    • Full Name: Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference
    • Description: Consists of sentence pairs labeled for textual entailment across multiple genres of text.
  • Short Name: QNLI

    • Full Name: Question Natural Language Inference
    • Description: Involves determining whether the content of a paragraph contains the answer to a question.
  • Short Name: RTE

    • Full Name: Recognizing Textual Entailment
    • Description: Requires understanding whether one sentence entails another.
  • Short Name: WNLI

    • Full Name: Winograd Natural Language Inference
    • Description: Tests a system's reading comprehension by having it determine the correct referent of a pronoun in a sentence, where understanding depends on contextual information provided by specific words or phrases.


SuperGlue is designed as a successor to the original GLUE benchmark. It's a more advanced benchmark aimed at presenting even more challenging language understanding tasks for AI models. Created to push the boundaries of what AI can understand and process in natural language, SuperGlue emerged as models began to achieve human parity on the GLUE benchmark. It also features a public leaderboard, facilitating the direct comparison of models and enabling the tracking of progress over time.

  • Short Name: BoolQ

    • Full Name: Boolean Questions
    • Description: Involves answering a yes/no question based on a short passage.
  • Short Name: CB

    • Full Name: CommitmentBank
    • Description: Tests understanding of entailment and contradiction in a three-sentence format.
  • Short Name: COPA

    • Full Name: Choice of Plausible Alternatives
    • Description: Measures causal reasoning by asking for the cause effect of a given sentence.
  • Short Name: MultiRC

    • Full Name: Multi-Sentence Reading Comprehension
    • Description: Involves answering questions about a paragraph where each question may have multiple correct answers.
  • Short Name: ReCoRD

    • Full Name: Reading Comprehension with Commonsense Reasoning
    • Description: Requires selecting the correct named entity from a passage to fill in the blank of a question.
  • Short Name: RTE

    • Full Name: Recognizing Textual Entailment
    • Description: Involves identifying whether a sentence entails, contradicts, or is neutral towards another sentence.
  • Short Name: WiC

    • Full Name: Words in Context
    • Description: Tests understanding of word sense disambiguation in different contexts.
  • Short Name: WSC

    • Full Name: Winograd Schema Challenge
    • Description: Focuses on resolving coreference resolution within a sentence, often requiring commonsense reasoning.
  • Short Name: AX-b

    • Full Name: Broad Coverage Diagnostic
    • Description: A diagnostic set to evaluate model performance on a broad range of linguistic phenomena.
  • Short Name: AX-g

    • Full Name: Winogender Schema Diagnostics
    • Description: Tests for the presence of gender bias in automated coreference resolution systems.


  • MMLU
  • BIG-Bench
  • HELM

Last update: 2024-10-23
Created: 2024-10-23