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LoRA is a PEFT technique based on reparameterization. The encoder and decoder blocks of a Transformer consist of self-attention (in the form of Multi-Headed Attention) layers. Weights are applied to the input embedding vectors to obtain an attention map for the input prompt. In full fine-tuning, every weight in these layers is updated. In LoRA:

  • All the model parameters are frozen.
  • Two (smaller) rank decomposition matrices A and B are injected with the original weights. The dimensions of the matrices are such that their product has the same dimension as that of the original weight matrices.
  • The weights in the smaller matrices are trained via fine-tuning. For inference:

  • We multiply the two low rank matrices to obtain B × A, which has the same dimensions as the frozen weights of the model.

  • We add B × A to the original frozen weights.
  • The model weights are replaced with these new weights.

We now have a fine-tuned model which can carry out the task(s) we have finetuned it for. Since the model has the same number of parameters as original, there is little to no impact on inference latency. Researchers have found that applying LoRA just to the self-attention layers is often enough to fine-tune for a task and achieve performance gains. However, in principle, we can use LoRA in other components such as the feed-forward layers. Since most of the parameters are the model are in the attention layers, we get the biggest savings when we apply LoRA in those layers.

Multiple Tasksâš‘

LoRA also makes it easy to fine-tune a model for different tasks. We can train the model using the rank decomposition matrices for each of the tasks. This will give us a pair of A and B matrices for each task. During inference, we can swap out the matrices depending on the task we want the model to do and update the weights (by adding to the frozen weights).

Choosing The Rank râš‘

In general. The smaller the rank r, the smaller the number of trainable parameters and the bigger the savings on compute.

According to the LoRA paper:

  • Effectiveness of higher rank appears to plateau. That is, after a certain rank value, making it larger generally has no effect on performance.
  • 4 ≤ r ≤ 32 (in powers of 2) can provide a good trade-off between reducing trainable parameters and preserving performance.
  • Relationship between rank and dataset size needs more research.

Hugging Face PEFT Libraryâš‘

Key Conceptsâš‘

1. Hugging Face PEFT allows you to fine-tune a model without having to fine-tune
all of its parameters.

2. Training a model using Hugging Face PEFT requires two additional steps beyond
traditional fine-tuning:

Creating a PEFT config Converting the model into a PEFT model using the PEFT config Inference using a PEFT model is almost identical to inference using a non-PEFT model. The only difference is that it must be loaded as a PEFT model.

Training with PEFTâš‘

Creating a PEFT Configâš‘

The PEFT config specifies the adapter configuration for your parameter-efficient fine-tuning process. The base class for this is a PeftConfig, but this example will use a LoraConfig, the subclass used for low rank adaptation (LoRA).

A LoRA config can be instantiated like this:

from peft import LoraConfig
config = LoraConfig()

Look at the LoRA adapter documentation for additional hyperparameters that can be specified by passing arguments to LoraConfig(). The Hugging Face LoRA conceptual guide also contains additional explanations.

See te complete example here

Converting a Transformers Model into a PEFT Modelâš‘

Once you have a PEFT config object, you can load a Hugging Face transformers model as a PEFT model by first loading the pre-trained model as usual (here we load GPT-2):

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("gpt2")

Then using get_peft_model() to get a trainable PEFT model (using the LoRA config instantiated previously):

from peft import get_peft_model
lora_model = get_peft_model(model, config)
Training with a PEFT Modelâš‘

After calling get_peft_model(), you can then use the resulting lora_model in a training process of your choice (PyTorch training loop or Hugging Face Trainer).

Checking Trainable Parameters of a PEFT Modelâš‘

A helpful way to check the number of trainable parameters with the current config is the print_trainable_parameters() method:


Which prints an output like this:

trainable params: 294,912 || all params: 124,734,720 || trainable%: 0.23643136409814364
Saving a Trained PEFT Modelâš‘

Once a PEFT model has been trained, the standard Hugging Face save_pretrained() method can be used to save the weights locally. For example:


Note that this only saves the adapter weights and not the weights of the original Transformers model. Thus the size of the files created will be much smaller than you might expect.

Inference with PEFTâš‘

Because you have only saved the adapter weights and not the full model weights, you can't use from_pretrained() with the regular Transformers class (e.g., AutoModelForCausalLM). Instead, you need to use the PEFT version (e.g., AutoPeftModelForCausalLM). For example:

from peft import AutoPeftModelForCausalLM
lora_model = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("gpt-lora")

After completing this step, you can proceed to use the model for inference.

Generating Text from a PEFT Modelâš‘

You may see examples from regular Transformer models where the input IDs are passed in as a positional argument (e.g., model.generate(input_ids)). For a PEFT model, they must be passed in as a keyword argument (e.g., model.generate (input_ids=input_ids)). For example:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
inputs = tokenizer("Hello, my name is ", return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], max_new_tokens=10)


Last update: 2024-02-25
Created: 2024-02-02