Command | Description |
poetry new <PROJECT_NAME> | Creates a new poetry project with the given name, including a pyproject.toml file. |
poetry init | Initializes a new poetry project in the current directory, interactively creating a pyproject.toml . |
poetry install | Installs all dependencies defined in pyproject.toml . |
poetry add <PACKAGE_NAME> | Adds a new dependency to the project and installs it. |
poetry add <PACKAGE_NAME>@<VERSION> | Adds a specific version of a package as a dependency. |
poetry update | Updates all dependencies to the latest versions allowed by pyproject.toml . |
poetry remove <PACKAGE_NAME> | Removes a package from the project dependencies. |
poetry lock | Locks the current dependency versions in the poetry.lock file. |
poetry shell | Spawns a shell within the project's virtual environment. |
poetry run <COMMAND> | Executes a command inside the project's virtual environment. |
poetry build | Builds the project as a distributable package (wheel and/or sdist). |
poetry publish | Publishes the package to a repository (e.g., PyPI). |
poetry check | Validates the pyproject.toml and checks for common issues. |
poetry export --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt | Exports dependencies to a requirements.txt file. |
poetry config <KEY> <VALUE> | Configures poetry settings such as repositories, cache, and virtualenv behavior. |
poetry show | Shows information about the project's dependencies. |
poetry show --latest | Shows information about dependencies and indicates the latest available versions. |
poetry version | Displays the current project version. |
poetry version <NEW_VERSION> | Bumps the project version (e.g., major , minor , patch ), or sets a specific version. |
poetry search <PACKAGE_NAME> | Searches for a package on PyPI. |
poetry env list | Lists the virtual environments associated with the project. |
poetry env use <PYTHON_VERSION> | Selects or creates a virtual environment for a specific Python version. |
poetry cache clear --all pypi | Clears the poetry cache for PyPI dependencies. |
RUN poetry install --no-root | Installs the dependencies without installing the current project package itself |
RUN poetry install --without dev | Excludes the installation of development dependencies, ensuring that only non-development dependencies are installed. |
RUN poetry install --only main | Installs only the dependencies in the main group (assuming this group is defined in pyproject.toml |
Example [[Docker]] with poetryâš‘
FROM --platform=amd64 python:3.10.13-slim
# Pin Poetry as it cannot control it's own version
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install poetry==${POETRY_VERSION}
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.create false
COPY poetry.lock .
COPY pyproject.toml .
RUN poetry install --no-root --only main
# Copy source code after dependencies
COPY ./src ./src
RUN poetry install --only main
Last update: 2024-10-23
Created: 2024-10-23
Created: 2024-10-23